Unable to control DO17 or DO18 with API


Using the command “DO(Index, status)” we can switch all DOs from 1-16 e.g. by using "DO(1,1) to switch the first DO to High.

However the “DO” command fails when using it for index 17 or 18 with error -40001 and thus we cannot use the End I/O pins to control an electrical gripper.

We can control DO 17 and DO 18 easily with Dobot Studio Pro 2.3.1.

The firmware is

Can you please help us to figure out how to control DO17 and DO18 using the API.

Edit @ 01.11.22: We were also not able to control DO17 and DO18 via blockly where one can only select “DO_1” to “DO_16”.


you can use ToolDO(1,ON) ToolDO1=DO17 ToolDO2=DO18


Thanks for the info. We will try this out.

Could you please update your documentation:

So far, it says that ToolDO can only be used for the CR series.

Furthermore, there is no command for ToolDO in blockly in Dobot Studio.