Need DobotStudio Pro User Guide (bad link on website)



I need the user guide for DobotStudio Pro 2.8 in English for the new MG400 arm we just recieved. The link shown in the picture below downloads the Chinese language version (DobotStudio Pro V2.8.0用户手册(MG400&M1Pro)_20240131_cn.pdf).


Sorry if you noticed this already, but it looks like this question was fixed a few hours after it was posted​:blush::handshake:[]=51#:~:text=DobotStudio%20Pro%202.8%20User%20Guide%20(MG400%26M1Pro)%20·%20Apr%201%2C%202024


I hadn’t noticed yet, but I also left a message with the chat bot on that page shortly after I posted here. Maybe someone got that message and fixed it. Thank you for making sure it’s fixed and letting me know. The guide looks good.
