Dobot Magician with Python - Start


i am new here and new in python.
(i made SAP Software and java)

My first program was “Dobot Magician Demo Description PDF - Python Demo - Code Description”.
Then I wanted to change something, and i read " Dobot Magician with Python - Starter Guide". In " Setting Parameters" Default Example : dType.SetHomeParams(api, 250, 0, 50, 0, isQueued = 1) is HOME uncapitablized.
What’s here wrong:
dType.SetHOMECmd(api, homeCmd = 0, isQueued = 1)
TypeError: SetHOMECmd() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘homeCmd’
and there “Movement Commands”:
dType.SetPTPCmd(api, dType.PTPMode.PTPMOVLXYZMode, X, Y, Z, R, isQueued = 1)
What can i enter for X, Y, Z and R?

Thank you
(my English is not so good, i’m german)