Dobot CR5 with RoboDK



I am trying to use RoboDk software to to move Dobot CR5 robot. Which port can I use to communicate with the robot. Also do I need to set the remote control mode to “TCP/IP Secondary development” for this to work? Can anyone help me? Thanks.


Hello hope you are doing good.

When you connect any robot with LAN connection RoboDK takes it as “IP/TCP” Connection where as if you connect a robot through USB RoboDK takes communation as “Com” port. either way RoboDK detects the input communication. you just have to go to the connect tab and use the connect robot option.

This is to the best of my knowledge. Thanks


Thanks for your message. Unfortunately, I tried everything but the communication is not working. Do you know which tcp port I should use to connect with the robot from robodk? I tried all the ports mentioned here but in all cases robodk dobot driver was either not working or was crashing.

I am able to send dashboard commands to port 29999 and able to move the robot with some TCP/IP tools like Packet Sender. But not with Robodk. Do you have any documentations available ?


I’m also running into this issue with our CR-16. Has anyone been able to connect to the robot with RoboDK successfully? I was able to connect it before on the free version, but we upgraded to professional and now I’m it’s not working.


Are you using the latest robodk? After few Support emails with robodk team I was able to get the communication working with CR 5. But still the robodk dobot driver is buggy and has lot of missing features.


I believe I have the latest version because we just bought the professional key last week, but will have to double check when I go into the lab tomorrow. Do you happen to know the latest version?


I am using v5.6.3 (2023-07-28).


Thank you! I just checked and we have version 5.6.2. I’ll contact support and see if we can get some connectivity. Right now I have the port set to 29999 but it gives me a false “ready” and when I attempt to get position or move joints, it gets stuck on the “sending command, working…”