Convert svg into Script / Python (Magician)


I have an SVG with a lot of circles, meaning lots of coordinates.
Is there a wayto export this into a script or python file?

if I save a simple square figure as .dobot file this is the result:

“[1.5317460317460319, 542.5, 532.5, [542.5, 88.29365079365078, 62.79999999999998, 30.25, [[
[542.5, 118.54365079365078],
[605.3, 118.54365079365078],
[605.3, 88.29365079365078],
[542.5, 88.29365079365078],
[542.5, 118.54365079365078]]]]]”
= the last 5 coordinates look like the points of the square getting back to the initial starting point.

If I make a simple script it looks like this:
current_pose = dType.GetPose(api)
dType.SetPTPCmdEx(api, 2, 240, 0, (-105), current_pose[3], 1)
dType.SetPTPCmdEx(api, 2, 280, 0, (-105), current_pose[3], 1)
dType.SetPTPCmdEx(api, 2, 280, (-20), (-105), current_pose[3], 1)
dType.SetPTPCmdEx(api, 2, 240, (-20), (-105), current_pose[3], 1)
dType.SetPTPCmdEx(api, 2, 240, 0, (-105), current_pose[3], 1)
= same basic logic with the 5 coordinates, but totally different format with x, y, z(height of the paper), etc. coordinates.

how do I get these 2 formats together for more complex figures than a simple square?
hoe someone can help to solve this…