Arduino Uno to Dobot Magician


To whomever that can help. Me and my teacher are trying to make a system that includes a Arduino uno controlled Dobot magician and 12 volt conveyor. We are able to control the conveyor belt, but having the Dobot start a series of code when a signal is sent by the Arduino uno to the robot is does not work.
Sorry if the is wordy. Please help you can contact me at if need be.


Did you ever figure out how to do this? We have several Uno’s and ended up just having them communicate back and forth via modbus.


No I did not find out how to do this. I am still trying to puzzle together. I am now trying to see how to connect a plc to it if I cant connect a Arduino uno to it. I have heard though that you can connect a Arduino mega board to it, but I don’t not know how to yet.