MG400 Runscript command by C#


I use C# via TCP/IP command and try to use Runscript(projectname) to Run. But the command can’t run and return -1,Runscript(projectname). Is anyone know how to use Runscript command in c#? Thanks.


Do you execute EnableRobot before running the program? This instruction needs to be executed to put the robot into remote TCP/IP mode for the execution to be effective


I use the sample code provide by Dobot. And I add one button to runscript. Before I runcsript, I enable first and I can move the Robot and can open the DO. But I can’t send the Runscript command succesfully. I will try to add one command “EnableRobot” before the Runscript command and try again, thanks.


It has been solved. The program should run at online mode, then the enable command can work.
If dobot at remote control mode, the enable command can’t work, it can only change the status light, but actually not enable successfully. If the enable command run successful, then it can use runscript() to run the program.


Thanks GeorgeHuang