Offline Mode in Web Manager


I have a Dobot M1. I programmed it and was using it in offline mode and it was working fine. Then I created a new program and uploaded it to Dobot. Now when I try to start Offline Mode and press the start button, nothing happens. Can anyone please help me? (I don’t have any alarms and the Dobot works when I run the program from my laptop. In the Operation Log it says “LowError False” - I am not sure what that means. I also noticed that sometimes when I try to upload a new program and I select it and press open, nothing happens.)


Does the indicator light turn blue?


No, it keeps blinking green.


Try updating the a9 firmware. See the user-guide for firmware update instructions. The latest a9 firmware needs to be downloaded from the dobot website.


Updating a9 firmware fixed the issue. Thanks.