Mooz User Manual & Firmware Updation


Yes, that will work. To comfirm whethe it is the right firmware, try enter leveling mode to see whether leveling function is avaliable. Refer to the user manual for instructions.


So, I have a MOOZ 1 and cannot get any firmware update to happen. Have loaded both the firmware and the control interface upgrade to a 8G USB, inserted it and turned the machine on. Doesn’t update. Does the update have to be via the SD interface to work. Also, haven’t found any way to see what firmware this unit came with. Are there some hidden buttons somewhere?


There is no checksum on the files. It just parses the number and if there is a higher one on the SDCard flashes it.

on the handset when first booting it will flash the last version number it installed.

i.e 1.3.9


All you have to do to force a reflash is to bump the version number in the filename to one higher than reported (this is horid that this is possible)

i.e rename

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }

MOOZ2V1.4.5.bin to


or something appropriately higher to force a flash.

Same goes for the .tft version for the handset firmware (this must be inserted directly into the handset sdslot on the side).

None of this is documented anywhere.


Have noted the lack of documentation. That’s is a disappointment. There were indications of that thru out the kickstarter campaign too.
If there’s a version number that shows as this MOOZ1 starts, it appears it’s in Chinese. Hence, can’t read it. Have tried renaming the files up several single digits up without any update. so stepped up the entire v # by several digits…all to no avail.
Might you know if has to be on an SD card to do an update. I’m loading from a USB drive as I haven’t found my SD reader writer. Yet, the USB isn’t reading the update. Too many failed prints too. And my wife is griping about the noise it makes as the actuators work.


Yes needs to be on microsd not usb from my experience fat32 formated.


You can also update via USB stick.


USB stick isn’t working.


Format of the SD card or U disk must be FAT32, put the mainboard firmware in the root directly, insert the card or disk into the machine into the mainboard, power up and updating progress will be displayed on the touch pad.
If the above procesures don’t work for you, try rename MOOZ1V1.4.5 to MOOZ1V1.4.6 or MOOZ2V1.4.5 and try again.


Format of the SD card or U disk must be FAT32, put the mainboard firmware in the root directly, insert the card or disk into the machine into the mainboard, power up and updating progress will be displayed on the touch pad.
If the above procesures don’t work for you, try rename MOOZ1V1.4.5 to MOOZ1V1.4.6 or MOOZ2V1.4.5 and try again.


am using a FAT32 formatted U Disk with just the MOOZ1V1.4.5.bin file renamed to MOOZ1V1.4.6.bin on it at the root. Inserted into the USB port and turn on the unit, it just read the USB and starts. Does not do the update.
Have a SD card reader/writer coming, to try use the SD card interface, yet that will be after I get it. Am hoping that will work when the USB doesn’t.


Having the same issue. Can’t print or update anything because Mooz ignores anything on my SanDisk 4GB USB thumb drive. Printer is powered off, I insert the USB, turn printer on, it acts like reading then starts as if USB is not plugged in.


Hi, LabGecko. First of all, you must check the drive firmware fits your Mooz model(Mooz-1 and Mooz-2 is not a same drive firmware), then Format of the SD card or U disk must be FAT32, put the mainboard firmware in the root directly, insert the card or disk into the machine into the mainboard, power up and updating progress will be displayed on the touch pad.
If the above procesures don’t work for you, try rename MOOZ1V1.4.5 to MOOZ1V1.4.6 or MOOZ2V1.4.5.bin to MOOZ2V1.4.6.bin and try again.


Both the SDcard and USB drive support as implemented in mooz is based off the buggy keil arm-mdk implementation.

The SDCard in the TFT isn’t usable as a result either - normally it is on other stm32 based printers as it’s the main place for development firmware to load from. I don’t know what they did with it in the mooz but it ain’t right.

I get a 3/9 success rate when using a micro-sd. My successrate with USB sticks has been lower and I’ve stopped using them.

Coupled with the baddly implemented cheap ch340 serial interface they used (rather than use inbuilt stlink/stm32 serial - which makes 0 sense to me) and the old/hackedup marline gcode flavour they used makes getting stuff on or off the unit a chore.


Hello all,

has anyone found any higher firmware for MOOZ2 than 1.4.5? And 1.1.0 for Touchpad? (I own a MOOZ2 without wifi) On the official site (for I can only find versions of the files above… but one of the supportagents tells me there are newer versions ‘on the downloadspage’ … am I visiting the wrong page for a year already, looking for updates?

thank you in advance!


Hi, I change the name from MOOZ2V1.4.5 to MOOZ2V1.4.6 and now when power on, it freeze in the main page and only enter to software when tough the screen, but no command work in the pad, and the printer head have no light on, there is a way to reset firmware to original state?

Now the Mooz2 is totally nonfunctional


Hello everyone, I have a Mooz2 (no wifi) updated to v1.4.5 for the mainboard and v1.1.0 for the LCD following the instructions and your suggestions (eg. name change). It seems nothing changed in the interface. I still cannot see any 3-point levelling options. Any help please?


Has anyone managed to solve the issue or to get an answer from the customer service?


I just updated to the latest firmware for my Mooz 2. The new manual shows the menu items on the touchpad have been updated but I’m not seeing any change to my interface from when I first bought it with the kickstarter. I updated both the motherboard and touchscreen firmware.


It does not work. Sd card updated my toucpad but I have not updated mainboard. It sayd flass overtime and it does not show any progress.


Hey man I can not update my dobot mooz3