Is “joint velocity” in PTP linear or angular? PTP模式下的“关节速度”指的是线速度还是角速度?


Hello, everyone~
I wonder if “joint velocity” in PTP mode refers to linear or angular velocity
thanks :slight_smile:

谢谢啦 :slight_smile:

        程序 13 PTPJointParams 定义

typedef struct tagPTPJointParams {
    float velocity[4]; //PTP 模式下 4 轴关节速度
    float acceleration[4]; //PTP 模式下 4 轴关节加速度
} PTPJointParams;


Maximum speeds of j1, j2 and j3 is 320°/s, and maximum speeds of j4 is 480°/s.


get it , thank you! :slight_smile: