Failed to execute script Dobotstudio


Today, i was trying to install Dobotstudio on my 64Bit windows laptop. It says its failed toe execute the script.

As i already contacted the local distributor , i can not get it running on my computer. is there a solution for this?

I already tried the 64Bit dll file, started my laptop up again but no succes.


Please install the corresponding .exe file in the attachment folder. Note that for 64-bit systems please execute the X64.exe file, 32 bit
The system executes the X86.exe file. After double-clicking, there will be no pop-up prompts, just open studio again.



Thanks for the fast and clear answer. But the thing is , i already got this solution from our local supplier ( Raoel, I-Robot) but it didn’t work.

What I also did, is double click on the 64 dll file> clicked yes> re-started my computer. No succes.

It keeps saying that the script is failed to execute.

I hope to hear from you.