Dobot Magician Not moving


Hey There, I am new in robotics stuff, I have my dobot magician, I downloaded the source code “Dobot_for_Developers-master”, and started debugging on QT.
I removed all the error during debug, I run Dobot server, and after that Dobot Client, and it showing message that connected (connection between dobot server and dobot client), and when press on any button like J+, J-, X+, X- etc. the dobot arm is not moving a bit, I am not getting any error message at all.

one more thing that, In Code when the serial port open, the onDobotReadyRead() is not executing.

qDebug()<<"Port Name: "<<portName;
const int baudRate = COptions::instance()->getBaudrate().toInt();
//baudRate = 115200;
qDebug()<<"Baud Rate: "<<baudRate;
dobot = new QSerialPort(portName, this);
qDebug()<<“Port ready to read write”;
** connect(dobot, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(onDobotReadyRead()));**
return true;
qDebug()<<“read write == false”;
dobot = 0;

    return false;

void DobotServer::onDobotReadyRead(void)
qDebug()<<“dobot Connected now ready to read”;
QByteArray data = dobot->readAll();

// Currently we only support one tcp client
if (tcpClient) {



I Missed one more thing that I am using Windows 10


The source code “Dobot_for_Developers-master” is for DobotV1.0, not for Magician. The protocol for Magician is not the same as DobotV1.0. All the demos available for magician is here:


Thanks for the info. But I posted another question regarding dobot magician please help me on that link is below. Dobot Magician taking pause when moving between two points