Can we share our print settings?


Hi gang -

I’m having some trouble getting higher quality prints out of the Mooz.

I use two or three print profiles in Cura (but I think all the same stuff exists in Slic3r, etc.)

Here’s my “Fastest” draft setting:
Layer Height: 0.3mm
First layer: 0.3mm
Wall, Top, Bottom: 0.8mm
Infill density: 10%
Print temp: 205 (I print in a cold garage, so run them a little hotter)
Bed temp: 70
Diameter: 1.75mm PLA
Flow: 100
Enable retraction: yes
Print Speed: 80
Travel Speed: 120
Initial Layer Speed: 30
Enable Print Cooling: Yes
Generate Support: Yes, Everywhere
Adhesion type: Skirt
Skirt line count: 2
Skirt line distance: 3
Print Sequence: All at once

Now, I have a “Highest Detail” profile, which is identical to this EXCEPT for these changes:
Layer Height: 0.05mm (fine detail)
Initial Layer Height: 0.15mm (create a thick, sticky base)
Infill density: 20%
Print Speed: 60 (slow down)

That’s it. Slow down the print speed, and use 6X as many layers.

The result, though, is that the Fastest profile works like a charm - almost no bad prints, ever, and no babysitting. When I try the high detail profile (slower, smaller layer height), they’re failing all over the place. Lots of adhesion issues, both on the bed and within the model itself, resulting in spaghetti plastic.

I also use the following pre/post code and printer settings:
X/Y Width: 130mm
Z Height: 134mm
Build plate: rectangular
Origin at center: no
Heated bed: yes
GCode flavor: marlin
Printhead settings: xmin 70, ymin 32, xmax 35, ymax 22
Gantry height: 9999999
No. of extruders: 1
Start code:
G28 ;Home
G1 Z15.0 F1800 ;Move the platform - was Z15
;Prime the extruder
;;;G92 E0
;;;G1 F200 E3
G92 E0
; Tweaks of Aenertia’s fix from
G0 X10 Y10 ; move Y-Axis (bed) 10mm to prep for purge
G1 X120 E12 F600 ; move X-carriage while purging filament

End code:
M104 S0
M140 S0
;Retract the filament
G92 E1
G1 E-1 F300

Anyone willing to share their settings? Any ideas on why my high detail profile isn’t working? I’d love if we have a library of known good settings that we could all share.


I’m printing at lower speeds (50 mm/s), but with 0.15 mm layer height. Infill is dependent on what I’m printing. This works great, practically no misprints. It’s not the fastest mode, but I find it to be a good trade off between speed and quality.

By the way, I try my prints first without supports and they almost never need them. Only when there is more than 45 degree overhang, you need support. This way it’s a lot less messy at the end of the print.



Una tao share this file: with us in Facebook group, its a profile from Mooz Team.


Nice - thanks. I’ll check it out!


can you send/upload that profile if you still have it?
gdrive is gone unfortunately